First Mash, First Boiling
Fill mash pot 3/4 full of 130°F water, add malt.Keep another(6 gallon) pot on for hot water. Fill while boiling pot 1/2 full of mash, then, taking a dipper full and putting on other burner in order to bring to boiling more rapidly. When boiling take about two of the small or 3 qt. dippers full of boiling mash and put in mash pot-stir well, and observe 130°F temperature again.
Second Boiling
Fill boiling pot to about two inches from its top with mash, again takeout a big dipper full and put on other burner in order to speed up boiling. When boiling, pour big dipper in and approximately half of what is in boiling pot-this should bring the temperature to the critical temp. 154°. (very important), Always stir thoroughly in order to get average temperature.
Third Boiling
Fill boiling pot about 3/4 full with mash, then fill big dipper and put on other burner( just to speed up boiling). When boiling, make the final mash off and obtain temp. 167°F to 170°F,stirred well, then put on lid for 20 minutes resting period. After ten minutes resting draw off about two dippers and put back in mash pot. This takes out the albumen, etc. and forms a filter. When 20 minutes is up draw some mash off in another dipper and pour back. Get kettle ready, adding correct amount of burnt sugar for colouring, & heaping teaspoonful of salt. When drawing off the last time do not open tap too wide,just a small stream, then let continue running, all the time pouring the wort into the kettle. When the kettle is about 1/4 full, put on stove and bring to boiling point as soon as possible. (put lid on). After the 167°F to 170°F water has drained below the mash in the mash pot, slightly scratch 2 inches deep in the mash, then begin pouring over or sparging for the first time - see for sure that the sparging water is 176°F, fill mash pot full to about 1/2 inch from the top, put lid on. Repeat same process for second sparging - be sure to keep one 6 gallon pot full of l76°F. water for sparging. Keep draining off until the kettle is about two inches from its top full of wort. Note to have enough wort liquor to fill the kettle full enough.
Second Mash;
After the first mash is nearly all drawn off, stir mash thoroughly and fill up with sparging water. After ten minutes draw off two dippers and pour back - same as first mash. Add 1/2 of hops. Then, 1st sparging water. Then, 2nd sparging water. All this time pour wort into kettle, filling kettle full to the top, lacking about 1/4 inch. After 2nd sparging, empty sparge water to the extent where you have a 6qt. dipper full and 5qt. dipper full, and then mash pot full. Pour out any sparging water left. Now fill 6 gallon pot with the two dippers full of wort and set on stove for boiling, adding 1/2 of the hops left. Keep pouring in wort until 6 gallon pot is full to the top, except for the last 1/4 part of the 6 gallon pot, when the tap must run quite slowly (in order to get full quality out of last mash).
Figure time of boiling from taping second time; one hour which divides as follows, first kettle full 10 minutes to boil, 15 minutes later, still boiling add syrup and sugar (note, before adding syrup which comes first, take out of kettle the largest dipper full of wort, being careful not to get too many hops - this gives plenty of room for syrup and sugar). Be sure to stir wort well after adding syrup and sugar, else they will stick to the bottom and burn a hole in the kettle. After adding syrup and sugar take out almost full of wort the 5lb syrup can. Now fill the kettle to the top with wort that is still coming out of the mash pot. when last wort is out, the kettle, 6 gallon pot, the big dipper and the 5lb. syrup can, should be full of wort to the top - just enough room on top to avoid boiling over.
Add last hops 15 minutes before the hour is up, should be 1/4 of the initial one lb. of hops.
Before knocking out,(pouring the wort in the kettle out) the wort, take the 5qt. dipper and fill half full with wort from the 6 gallon pot. Put this, or rather just set the dipper in the mash pot. Now, there being room in the 6 gallong pot, put the wort that is in the syrup can in there, (speeding up burner in order to keep boiling).
First knocking out
Fill mash pot full with wort from kettle, allow to settle for a few (1 or 2) minutes. Take kettle off. Put large dipper on fire and bring to a boil as soon as possible. Draw off wort in order to separate hops. Fill one 6 gallong pot and the 5 quart dipper, then pour in the rest of the wort in the kettle (use fine mesh strainer even after wort has gone through mash pot strainer with wire arms that will slide back and forth to make larger or smaller).
Continue boiling 6 gallon pot and big dipper until all the kettle wort is drained off (leaving enough in mash pot so it won't stop up). When two 6 gallong pots are filled and have been put in cooling tubs and the 5 quart dipper is full, cut off tap and take from fire the big dipper - knock it out. After a minute of settling draw off the two largest dippers full. Then knock out the 6 gallon pot, allow to settle a minute or so and draw off all wort. In the end mash up the hops and squeeze out all possible wort.
Cooling Process
Cool off to 96°F. Be sure to have 96°F dipper of wort before adding 1/4 lb. of yeast. Crumple yeast up and allow to set until wort in the jars is cooled down to exactly 96°F. It is necessary to cover jars up very well in order to keep our temperature constant.
Take gallon of water, add 1 1/4lbs. sugar, get boiling, boil about 2 or 3 minutes and cool off to temperature of beer. When adding to beer 1 oz. of sugar to the gallong of beer generates enough gas for bottling.
One package of Knox Gelatine (one box contains two small packages) to two batches of beer (35 gallons aproximately). Take half dipper of water, add gelatine, cook until surface covered with foam (not to boil). Fill dipper full with water, cool to white forms. put in syrup can.
Burnt sugar for colouring: 1lb. sugar (cane or corn), put in pan, cook to brownish-black colour, then add small amount of water and cook to a thin liquid. When finished should have about 1/2 dipper full (3 quart dipper)
MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Where you have large quantities of barley malt, empty sacks of malt in a large box and mix well. Add sugar solution and gelatine just before bottling (be sure to mix well and get equal parts)
When beer is ready for bottling Yeast should be allowed to work out thoroughly. No bubbles should be coming to surface. Fungi usually forms very shortly after yeast has worked clear out.(provided it is in a warm room temperature.) When testing to see if yeast has stopped working, take colourless drinking glass and fill with beer; if bubbles form along the surface of the beer and particularly along the surface near the rim of the glass, it is not yet ready to bottle. Better to leave the beer dead for 12 or even 24 hours than to bottle too soon.
Fungi only forms at quite warm temperatures (90°F or close around). If beer is allowed to work in a fairly cool room, it will naturally take longer. In breweries the working beer is kept in room temperatures as low as 36°F - this allows fine settling, but takes much longer. Where room temperatures are as high as 92°F it usually takes between 72 and 84 hours for the yeast to work out thoroughly. Skimming is necessary to see properly if bubbles are still rising from the bottom of the jars.
FOR PUTTING UP IN KEGS Have absolutely clean keg. Put spigot in bottom from where the bung is located - just 1/2 inch up from where the barrel staves go together on the outer rim. make 1/8 or 1/4 inch hole in bung and also make a wooden stopper for this hole.
Fill barrel with beer just the same as filling bottles, same sugar solution and everything. Fill keg to running over. A couple hours after filling see if everything is air tight; if not, fix so, then draw off about 1/2 drinking glass full (this, in order to give the generating gas some space).
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Nov. 28, 1931
Figure time of boiling from taking second time one hour, which divides as
follows: first 1/2 kettle full 10 min. 15 minutes later, add syrup and
sugar and second hops 1/2 of balance in hand; keep up good boiling and after
20 minutes, add last hops and boil 15 minutes more, then knock out into
mashpot. Strain, cool off to 96°F set on with 1/4 lbs. comp. yeast. let
ferment until entirely ended, siphon off, add 1¼ lbs. sugar, and half
package Knox Gelatine; stir well and bottle.